Monday 1 June 2009

What's In A Name

It was my favorite color as a little girl and today it seems a group of designers

have decided that Pretty in Pink is just too cliche. So how could they incorporate the color without feeling too girly? How else but by changing its name. Hello fuchsia and magenta and pleasure to meet you! From upscale ties for men to full-length fur coats for women (compliments alla Michael Kors), it’s obviously that ‘the new pink’ has arrived, and here to stay- through the summer and into fall.

And thank god for that. I was so bored of blacks and browns that it’s finally nice to break up the color schemes of the streets to something a bit more vivacious. And It was about time people realized the color’s potential to bring life into their fashion cupboards and out on the runways, it's just too bad it took so long to for the hue to get noticed. But lovers beware, before dressing to dazzle, don’t forget your tan because- according to the color shrink- it looks spectacular on darker tones.

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