It has just been made public, all the thanks to Greenpeace, that designer brands like Gucci and Prada (oh, how it hurts) are contributing to the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest.
It’s huge companies such as these, with their expansive leather good purchases, that are sponsoring the exact farms that are demolishing the land on which thousands of species claim as their only habitat. Gucci and Prada unfortunately buy their supplies from companies who procure their goods from two premises in Brazil.
Now I am all about meat- both on my plate and on my soles- but at the expense of endangered animals and
their homes just makes me pity my Gucci kitty heels, Gucci purse, Gucci belt- oh the list goes on!
Thankfully we can thank the Prince of Wales who is all more willing to enforce the retributions of poorer countries such as Brazil in order to prevent further the destruction of these trees. At least that could put a pause on the deforestation, for now. Money- after all- is like manure, it’s no good unless its spread around, encouraging young things to grow. And what better way for the British Monarchy to spread that encouragement back into the soil of the jungle floor!
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