Monday 15 December 2008

Talk About Chilling Out

Not only does the worshipped fashion house make exquisite ball gowns and scrumptious suits- Versace will now be creating a beach, newly designed in order not to scorch your delicate feet.

Imagine a beautiful beach next to the Palazzo Versace Hotel which is in the works right now in Dubai. And keep in mind the summer temperatures, highs up to 50C. In order to keep your cool as you saunter from one posh cabana to another, flaunting your bronze tan and stunning swimwear, the beach’s sand will be cooled. Running a network of piping below the sand will absorb the heat from the surface, keeping you chilled.

But the chilling attitude doesn’t stop there. A refrigerated pool is being discussed, along with arming up the beach with giant blowers to create a refreshing breeze while you break out in sweats.

Course, with this not only come the rich and famous. You’ll have to include the environmentalists on that list which will be surely furious with something of this demand. However, Soheil Abedian, the founder and president of Palazzo Versace, believes the project to be sustainable- and the idea itself well, come on- “this is the kind of luxury that top people want,” is it not?

Sheesh, if it’s not then boy- are my priorities out of wack. At least I’m on the same page with Versace who ten years ago preached that luxury fashion branded resorts were in demand. Better start making your own reservations for a cabana next holiday.

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